Weekly prayer with Sabeel Jerusalem

This is the latest prayer offered by Sabeel Jerusalem’s Wave of Prayers. For more information or to subscribe, go here.

May 13, 2024

Earlier last week, Hamas accepted an Egyptian-Qatari mediated cease-fire proposal. After the acceptance of Hamas, the Israeli military began bombing Rafah and fighting broke out at the border of Rafah. Many have been killed, including children. Humanitarian aid entering Gaza from Rafah has completely halted. Rafah hospitals are shutting down and according to UNRWA over 110,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah. The true extent of suffering in Rafah is unknown; all eyes on Rafah.

God who was, and is and is to come, like Jesus, our souls are overwhelmed with sorrow by the actions of the empires. The present circumstances seem to have no end in sight. The experience of loss and pain will remain with us until we die. Lord, ensure us that you are present with those suffering in Rafah and that you see all evil deeds whether they are in the light or in the dark. Lord, teach us how to lament so that we can actively work for an alternative reality.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 15th of May, Palestinians around the world mark Nakba day. This day commemorates the Nakba as it is the beginning of the Palestinian people’s dispossession of their peoplehood, land, identity and culture. Although the events of 1948 completely changed the Palestinian reality, the Nakba is not an event but a structure, hence, the Nakba is ongoing. The current genocide in Gaza, the violence in the West Bank and Jerusalem, the realities of Palestinians in historic Palestine, and the refugees in the diaspora, all stem from the ongoing Nakba.

God of Sumud, we the children of this land have been facing erasure for more than 76 years. The experience of oppression and death continues from our ancestors to our children and now more than ever we ask: for how long O Lord? Help us understand that every life destroyed from settler colonialism is itself a Nakba. We thank you for the Holy Spirit which manifests in the form of Sumud helping us to keep our humanity, our identity, our fight for justice, and our faith.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

On the 23rd of April, Kairos Palestine and Global Kairos for Justice Coalition issued a statement titled “A call for global Action and solidarity on Nakba Day May 15th, 2024: Israel’s Continuing Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, forcible displacement and now Genocide”. This statement calls on Churches, the International Community, and all other groups to use language which reflects the true realities on the ground and to act.   

God of truth, help us discern the Kairos of our time so that we can bear true witness to your presence with those crucified today. Lord, help our movement maintain mutual love united for one common purpose which is led by the Holy Spirit. Remind us that our capability does not come from ourselves but “our competence comes from God” (2 Corinthians 3:5).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

On the 30th of April, Kairos-Sabeel Netherlands and the Christian Collective occupied the office of the Christian Union in the Netherlands. This was to demand from the Christian Union in the Netherlands to stop their support for Israel’s military operations, ensure sufficient aid into Gaza, and to engage with their critics in meaningful dialogue. 

God of inclusivity, we are thankful for all our friends who are challenging unjust and corrupt structures. Lord, help the movement of liberation, justice, and peace in the Netherlands to call for repentance for the active and complicit role the Church in the Netherlands has taken in the ongoing Nakba Palestinians are facing. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

Last week, the Israeli forces demolished 47 homes in al-Naqab, sending those families into permanent exile and with no promise of alternative housing. The homes demolished belonged to the Abu Asa family. This is one of the largest demolitions in years for the Palestinians in al-Naqab.

God of protection, in times of trouble we look to you as our shelter through the storm. Lord, restore the homes of the Abu Asa family and all Palestinians who have had their homes demolished. As we pray to you in lament may we remember that “the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:2) 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

The student encampments for Palestine continue to increase around the globe. Although many students, lecturers, and professors have been subject to violence, arrests, threats, and slander, several universities have agreed to divest from Israel or are considering it. Many student encampments have shown strong community building as they have shared food, COVID tests, reading materials on Palestine, and interfaith services. These student movements are shaking up the world.

Incarnated God, we thank you for the student movement for Palestine who are like the persistent widow who bothers unjust judges. Lord, we are grateful for the movement that is showing unwavering faith and causing the powerful to tremble, mountains to move, and inspiring millions. Lord, illuminate to us where we can bear witness in our lives through creative resistance. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer


Christ at the Checkpoint


Weekly prayer with Sabeel Jerusalem