We are a Canadian Christian voice for Palestinian liberation.

Through education and engagement, we support the struggle for equality in justice, freedom, and human rights of Palestinians living under apartheid and the illegal Israeli military occupation. With partners around the world, we work non-violently for a just and durable peace for Palestinians and Israelis.

Learn more about who we are ⟶


News, highlights, and updates from Canadian Friends of Sabeel.

Bi-weekly Bulletins

Our bi-weekly bulletin provides regular updates on our work, the work of our partners, and the situation in Palestine. Sign up to receive bulletins sent directly to your email inbox!

Featured Programming

  • Job Opportunity at CFOS

    CFOS is looking for a part-time Mapping Coordinator for our three-year Influencer Project. This project is a three-year joint initiative with Sabeel Jerusalem and Friends of Sabeel North America. It will bring to East Jerusalem 250 influencers from Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. to acquaint them with the Palestinian identity of Jerusalem, its culture, and its people. The goal is that these influencers will inspire their own networks to promote East Jerusalem as a Palestinian destination and to become advocates for the Palestinian cause.

  • JGML 2024

    Each fall, CFOS hosts the James Graff Memorial Lecture as a way of honouring the legacy of James Graff and promoting the Palestinian cause. CFOS is beginning to plan the November 2024 lecture. Your suggestions are most welcome! Please contact: info@friendsofsabeel.ca.

  • Peace Vigil Resource

    In the context of the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, and Israel’s subsequent military onslaught on Gaza, CFOS produced a resource for Canadian congregations and communities to grieve the violence and to pray for peace. This resource describes how to organize a public witness event or peace vigil.

Featured Resources

  • Bulletins

    Canadian Friends of Sabeel engages in ongoing programs and short-term projects to fulfill our mission of supporting the Palestinian struggle for justice and freedom and to build a just peace for Palestinians and Israelis.

  • Al-Nakba Exhibit

    This photo exhibit was produced by CFOS in 2013 to commemorate the 67th anniversary of the Nakba (catastrophe): the displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people in 1948.

  • Fr Robert Assaly Memorial

    Re-watch our memorial of Robert’s life, work, and commitment to Canadian Friends of Sabeel.

“Our question to our brothers and sisters in the Churches today is: Are you able to help us get our freedom back, for this is the only way you can help the two peoples attain justice, peace, security and love?”

— Kairos Palestine document, 2009